A Rainbow of Savings
Save up to 25% off select products. Prices are as marked. Sale items are not eligible for reseller pricing and additional discounts. Offer is for individual consumer use only; not for distribution; excludes tax & shipping; not valid on any previous web, phone, or retail purchases; cannot be redeemed for cash; cannot be combined with any other offer; void where prohibited; limited to stock on hand. Offer only available from January 15, 2025, to January 22, 2025.
Save up to 25% off select products. Prices are as marked. Sale items are not eligible for reseller pricing and additional discounts. Offer is for individual consumer use only; not for distribution; excludes tax & shipping; not valid on any previous web, phone, or retail purchases; cannot be redeemed for cash; cannot be combined with any other offer; void where prohibited; limited to stock on hand. Offer only available from January 15, 2025, to January 22, 2025.